Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dolphin's mysterious world of Lovemaking...

To enter Dolphin's mysterious world of Lovemaking you first gotta think, feel, breath, be like a dolphin....
become One with the "Dolphin-energy"....
For without this you will fail to grasp the Grandness, the Euphoria & the Ecstasy of Lovemaking experienced through the "eyes of  a dolphin"...
Probably better to say "through the heart of a dolphin", because that is exactly where the experience of making Love is being "experienced"; right where the center is of your "Godlight", the Light of who-you-truly-are. Home of your eternal connection to your Source of ultimate infinite Divine Love & Light.
This information reveals instantly why the Dolphins are such Master-lovers, having completely mastered the art of Blissful, JOYful, Ecstatic Lovemaking: It is their conscious connection with their Divine true beingness Love (their true Essence), while simultaneously having the physical sexual experience within their joined physical bodies. This is the KEY in their ultimate experience of pleasure and JOY, we human beings could enormously benefit from, if we would learn to join not just with our physical bodies, but to truly join with one another, to truly "become One"...
The reason why Dolphin's can truly merge with one another is because of their advanced way of relating to one another. Dolphins relate to the outside world and all that is part of it from their awakened state of being, fully aware of who-they-truly-are. Therefore they see Love everywhere, and recognize Love within each and everything, each and everyone. All that is part of God's Divine Masterpiece "Heaven on Earth" is witnessed in the true light of its being: the Light of Love. Most people on the other hand identify with their false image of themselves... who they think they are within the dream of fear, who they believe themselves to be... The dream of fear, is the dream of separateness, the state of being of the mind who is not aware of its Divine true beingness. It "creates" a self-imagined separation from the Love which is who-you-truly-are, from the Love which is your Source. A separation which in truth could never be, but for the one who is caught up within this dark dream of fear it seems very real indeed. This "you" becomes the "you" who witnesses the world around you, the "you" through which you relate to the world...
But instead of the Love that is everywhere -as Dolphins see- you see another reality which is the projection of the fearful thoughts within your mind which is clouded by the false belief you are separate from Love....  the false belief that you are what you are not....
You will see things not in the Light of truth, but instead in the darkness of your own self made-up reality... You will relate to others, the outside world and all that is in it from the perspective of this false image of yourself, who you completely identify with when you are not awake... Most importantly, you relate to yourself from this distorted perspective which is not at all a reflection of the truth. You will not be able to see your own magnificence, your own splendor, as a being of pure Divine Love & Light.
Instead you will think very lowly of yourself, and feel unworthy, unloved, and lacking on so many levels. Although the way to escape this awful dream is quite simple as all you have to do is wake up, it is not experienced as such. Instead you will try to escape this misery by finding a way out within this messed up reality, so instead of finding your way out of this misery by waking up, you look for "happiness" within this dreamworld.  Within this dreamworld you will see people and objects  as "idols" who can give you what you believe (falsely believe) you are lacking.... So other people become the "solution", the "fix" for your self-imagined lacks. Now you relate to the outside world from the mistaken belief that you "need" something that others can give you. You relate to the world falsely believing that it has something to give you.... This is the distorted "special-relationship" that the Course in Miracles talks about... this is not Love. This is not the holy relationship you share when people connect with one another from their Divine true Beingness: Love. Within themselves they are already complete. They do not need something from another, they extend their Love into this world, by being who-they-truly-are, and expressing their Divine true nature in any way that brings JOY to their heart. Love-relationships are the relationships that are mostly "suffering" from this distorted energy-exchange which people call LOVE! Can you believe it? This is not Love! This is "neediness". There is no acknowledgement of one's own Divinity, there is no acknowledgement of the other's  Divinity. Their is no respect for oneself, their is no respect for the other... Their is no Freedom to be who they truly are... they do not even have a clue who they are!
The world that is based on these beliefs and mistakes in thinking is an unhappy world indeed... even if you tell yourself you've found happiness within this dream. This happiness is just "the relief" from the pain you experience from feeling unworthy, not good enough, unlovable disguised as "happiness". A temporary relief from the feeling of powerlessness, which is the excruciating pain of feeling separate from Love. Then after the fix has "diminished" you need another fix, and another, and another.... this goes on forever.... and ever... moving from one fix to another... until you wake up. Until you wake up, your whole life is centered around this ever ongoing circus of looking for something that you already have... for becoming somebody you already are. If only you knew....
Living in this self-created reality is an ongoing power-struggle... the search for power outside yourself, and the "demand" on others and other things to be what you want them to be, in order to give you what you want....
Sex is the most distorted, most corrupted expression of Love there is in this man-made world of misery. And therefore sex is what is most used to feel what you miss always, to give you what you need always, to give you what you lack always.... And then for one moment you feel what you missed, you get what you need, you feel complete.... You think... because all it is is one big illusion... For a moment you could tell yourself another story: a story that you are loved, accepted, appreciated.... a story that you are desirable, lovable, worthy.... Still it's just a story... not your true feeling loved, accepted and appreciated. Not your true feeling of being desirable, lovable, worthy... a feeling you would know when you are aware of your own bright shining Love & Light, your own splendor and magnificence... always.
Knowing who-you-truly-are you know all this, and no one can ever make you feel otherwise.

Dolphins come together from their true being: Love. They desire to extend their love by making love. It is the most JOYful, fun, loving, pleasurable, delightful, sensual ecstatic Blissful experience ever! When they come together they experience the splendor of their true being by expressing Divine Heavenly Love. By giving Love they become aware of the Love within them, the Love which they are! They experience the splendor of the true Essence of their Love-partner, who shines in full Glory and Brilliance their Beautiful Light of radiant Love! Their Lovemaking is a tribute to the Divine in one another, a tribute, a praise of Love to the the Divine Source from which they originate. How wonderful this is, how Blissful this is... the experience of pure pleasure and JOY... each moment experienced as Eternity....
When people connect not only physically, but really connect with each other, by connecting with who-they-truly-are, an energy circle of Light is being created while they are making Love. A circle of electrical energy from the heart of one person being exchanged sexually through the genitals up to the heart of the other person and send back to the heart of their lover. It is a circular flow of Love-energy that both connects them together as One, and One with their Divine Source.
Making Love like this is coming home into yourself, coming home into Love, a rapture in which you both enter Eternity... The sacred space of the here and now, and Heaven is entered together...
Dolphins and the art of Lovemaking.... who could have thought this piece would hardly go into the physicality of Lovemaking but instead would elaborate on the art of knowing oneself, knowing who you truly  are... :)

Once you are awake and alive... EVERYTHING is changed... Your whole life becomes an exhilarating ride of JOY and Fun. Everything becomes a delicious experience, as everything is the experience of expressing the pure Divine Love which is everywhere! So all is an absolute Delight as you experience the world for what it truly is: a Heaven on Earth. Your physical senses deliver this reality to you as you extend the Love which you are into this world.
❤The art of Lovemaking, is just like the art of living, the art of being who you truly are.❤
Once you do, the Lovemaking experience will go through the roof! The intense pleasure you'll experience when you come together being who you truly are... is not of this world.
The dolphins have completely mastered the art, the art of living: namely Living in JOY.
I've learned so much from them, and learn, each new exciting day of my glorious life.
Therefore to know about the art of Lovemaking.... enter the mysterious world of Lovemaking... Dolphin's world of Lovemaking. They know... They exactly know.
You come as you are.
You open your heart to Love.
and you simply: be.
Be Love.
And in the sacred union of becoming One you leave this world together, entering the realms of Ecstasy & Bliss.... experiencing together the Bliss of Foreverbeinglove...

For those who are awake and aware... you know exactly what I'm talking about.
and for some who identify with "the body" and are solely focussed on the physical aspect of Lovemaking might actually be surprised that  something as seemingly "insignificant" as being consciously connected to your Divine true Beingness, will change your Love-life forever.
Either way... it is a natural process. Not something you can "force" to happen.
You either are or you "are not".
To be or not to be that's the question.
Dolphins know the answer.
Find yours,
and your lovelife will never be the same again...

Eline Adrienne ©2011